Wednesday, September 25, 2013


One of the questions that I often get is “Where do you get your ideas?”. I design and write patterns for the shop and national craft publications. Some of the things that I do for publication have certain themes but the way the themes are implemented is up to me. The short answer to the question is “Everywhere!”.

 I read a lot so the atmosphere created by a story might lead to a color scheme or style. I’ve been reading many historical novels this summer so fitted garments with lace accents are floating around in my head. No tight corsets necessary though!   

 I hike around east Tennessee with a friend. My camera goes with me. Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook see some of the pictures from these hikes. What you don’t see are the ones of strangely colored fungi or an odd bark on a stump. These are to remind me of colors and textures found in nature. Flower shots may show up in embroidery patterns. My pictures are nothing that would win any awards in a photography contest, but good enough for me! Try it sometime. The fresh air, beauty of the outdoors, and good company are a great way to sooth the stress of everyday life and rejuvenate the creative spirit.

Sometimes inspiration comes from unexpected places. Sitting at a stop light one morning, I noticed that the tail lights of the car ahead had an odd pattern on the acrylic cover. I remembered it and incorporated it in a knitting pattern for a small purse. Yes, it was a long light.

Lastly, some of my inspiration comes from meeting people and teaching classes. Both push me to try different things and improve my skills. Doing a specialized technique leads to a swatch, then a sample and a finished design which I can share with friends and customers.

Inspiration can come from anywhere at anytime. Observe, listen, and absorb the world around you. You can’t help but be inspired!

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

     It's fall already! The daylight is getting noticeably shorter now and the nights have cooled. It's time to think of fall. With that in mind, we changed the front window to fall colors. We added a scarecrow this year. He desperately needs a name! I'm taking suggestions on Facebook. I'll make a decision on Monday, September 9th and announce it to everyone. We've had a few suggestions. Let's see a few more! By the way, that's a black cat made from pom poms on his shoulder.

     The fall newsletter and class schedule is ready. You can view it here:   Fall 2013 Newsletter & Class Schedule  . It goes through the end of the year.

     Bye for now!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Big news today! The  "Autumn Creative Knitting Magazine, All Seasons Throws" is almost out. I have a design included! Here's a sneak peek at the magazine and my design. The e-magazine is on sale 7/30 and the print version is on sale 8/20, available on . I'll have a few a the shop also.

This is mine! I love the colors together. Nice and bright! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I would like to share the videos of 4 spots that I filmed for "Creative Living With Sheryl Borden" back in fall of 2009. They aired throughout 2010 and 2011. I just recently uploaded them to YouTube. I hope you enjoy them.

The show is filmed by KENW-TV at Eastern New Mexico State University in Portales, New Mexico. Sheryl makes it very easy to film. I would love to do it again sometime.

The first spot is "Blocks Into Pillows". Part of the sample highlighted are from my books "Knitted Blocks" and "Crocheted Blocks.

The second spot is "Knitting Jewelry".

The third spot is "Decorated Gift Baskets". I give ideas about how to personalize gift baskets for any occasion.

The last spot is "Fabric Painting". Decorating fabric with acrylic paints and sponges is always fun!

More to come in the future!  Happy Crafting!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A milestone has occurred! I made my first video tutorial today! It's is very basic jewelry techniques.  It is called "Beginning Jewelry - A Bracelet and Earrings Set" .  I've uploaded it to YouTube. Here's the link:
I hope you like it! Watch for more in the future!

Monday, July 01, 2013

Hiking at Roan Mountain State Park, 6/30/2013

I went hiking yesterday with my friend Karen. It was an absolutely gorgeous day! We went to Roan Mountain State Park. We hiked around the Rhododendron Gardens some. The rhododendrons weren't at their peak but it was still pretty.
overlook at the Rhododendron Gardens

showing the base of the rhododendrons

High Bluff Trail was our next venture. The trail itself was interesting with the undergrowth of the rhododendrons all tangled together. The overlook at the end was well worth the hike! I took a panorama picture of the view showing the blue sky, white clouds and green plants.

panorama from High Bluff Trail, Roan Mountain State Park

From there we hiked up to Round Bald which is actually on the Appalachian Trail. I can now say that I have hiked a portion of the trail (okay, a small portion).
panorama at Round Bald, Roan Mountain State Park

Monday, June 24, 2013

Whew! A lot has happened since I blogged last.

I've finished the website renovation. It has a brighter look and is easier to maintain. I hope you like it.

I've become an affliliate with to promote online classes. they have classes in subjects such as cake decorating,  beading, knitting, crocheting, quilting, and painting. They have recently started 6 new classes in fine art with landscape and portraiture painting. Here's a link to see the new classes: .

I'm working on getting more patterns tech edited, formatted, and ready for sale. I have a moebius cowl, a reversible cable hat, scarf, and mitten set, and a 2 color brioche knit hat in the works.

The Summer 2013 Newsletter and Class Schedule is out. You can find in on the website:  .  There's a free pattern for a fan that would be good for Bible School crafts. If you have any classes that you are interested in taking, let me know.

Stay cool and happy crafting!